As you know calculating CGPA and GPA manually is difficult. You have to take care of many things and calculations including credit hours, total marks, total quality points, their addition etc. I saw many students facing the issue of calculating CGPA. So, I decided to find the solution of this problem. After analyzing and identifying the problem I came up with this solution of Calculator. That keep care of everything and give you the best and accurate calculation of your CGPA and GPA. All you need to do is just enter your AG number, the calculator will take care of everything else.
The method of working of Calculator is simple. When you submit a request for calculation with your AG number, result page is loaded on the server just like you view it on your device. We extract marks and required information and display it on result page with some styling and additional calculation. Calculator is just a view of LMS result page with some extra fetures and ease for calculation.
We don't store any kind of information related to your result data. It remains on our server just for fraction of second and deleted as soon as it displayed on you screen. That is why you need to calculate it everytime when you have to view the result. We don't have any database. Every calculation is peformed, realtime nothing is stored.
Please let us know if you have any query related to calculator or calculations. In case you find any error let us know immediately we'll try our best to resolve it as soon as possible. Feel free to Contact Us